The Government & Medial Covid-Panic-Porn : The Tide is Finally Turning

Wow! Have a look at this article by the Danish Daily Extra Bladet (use google translate): what it basically says is that not only the authorities, but also media have COMPLETELY FAILED in their coverage of the pandemic! Instead of presenting TRUE, TRUTHFUL and REPRESENTATIVE information about Covid and the pandemic, authorities and media have pushed hysteria, fear, and panic, presenting a false narrative regarding the severity and impact of Covid.

This is the modern equivalent to the Pope PIus XI’s “Mit Brennender Sorge” encyclica after finally realizing the true face of the Nazi ideology.

Cudos to Extrablader for being first in admitting that media have not done their job, and that they have contributed in the authoritarian non-scientific narrative of Covid.

Vi fejlede – Ekstra Bladet
— Read on

Below a couple other posts on the same topic:

The Covid Cure is worse than the disease


About swdevperestroika

High tech industry veteran, avid hacker reluctantly transformed to mgmt consultant.
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6 Responses to The Government & Medial Covid-Panic-Porn : The Tide is Finally Turning

  1. Pingback: The Government & Medial Covid-Panic-Porn : The Tide is Finally Turning — systems perestroika – éminence grise – Life, Death and all between

  2. Brad and Rachel Forwell says:

    Thanks for sharing, Tommy. Is this a significant Danish publication, or is it more fringe?

    Pardon my ignorance on this one, but I am curious because you are right, the article is pretty strongly worded.

  3. Brad and Rachel Forwell says:

    Great article. Hope their courage spreads.

  4. Brad and Rachel Forwell says:

    Love it! I really hope we’re moving towards some common sense. If the UK begins moving in this direction then there is a reasonable chance we’ll see it spread, and maybe even begin seeing some moderate views taking hold.

    Thanks for posting this, Tommy.

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