“I will be a great leader when…”

“Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of a company.

Leadership has nothing to do with titles.

Leadership has nothing to do with personal attributes.

Leadership isn’t management.”

John Stepper

How would you finish that sentence?

Is it when you’ve mastered the leadership lessons of Jesus, Lincoln, Sun Tzu, Steve Jobs or any of the dozens of famous people profiled in popular books?

Or when you’ve been granted a certain title or set of responsibilities?

That’s what I used to think, that you could copy other leaders or simply be appointed to the position. It’s only recently I’m starting to understand that being a great leader requires something else. Something very different.

Leadership at work

At work, we use the word “leadership” so often that its meaning has become diluted, often synonymous with “management” (as in the email you get announcing “the new leadership team”).

Kevin Kruse, an author of several books on employee engagement, attempted a more precise, useful definition in a Forbes article earlier this year, starting with what leadership is not:

“Leadership has…

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About swdevperestroika

High tech industry veteran, avid hacker reluctantly transformed to mgmt consultant.
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